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Ahhh no! This is sad.


We know, we get it! Sometimes we can no longer look after our pets and as heartbreaking as it is we need to find them new homes.


Whatever you do, DO NOT release your colony into the wild and please, for the love of ants DO NOT destroy your colony.


Not releasing them is crucial because you may be breaking the law if you release a non native species! But it is so much worse than that, a species our fragile ecosystem is not expecting will tip the delicate balance of survival over the edge... literally. The damage would be insane to the surrounding area.


However, we would rather even natives are not released because they are pets and are used to the wonderful, stable conditions and food we provide. They just would not cut it in the wild and there really is no need for it.


If you are giving up an exotic (non native) colony we can send you our ownership transfer form (This is required for Exotic colonies as we have a legal duty to keep and record a record of where colonies are from and where they are sent).

We can help.

Giving up a colony purchased from us - Simply send them back to us, you will need to arrange transport or pay postage but we will take them in and find them a new home (after the 3 week grace), or keep them for our store. Regrettably, we can not purchase a colony back from you and whatever you send, whatever they arrive with becomes ours too. This said we cannot return any nests, containers or out-worlds. 


Your colony will enter quarantine and then join the population.


Giving up a colony NOT purchased from us - We can take these too. Although we can not purchase them you drop us an email and we will do our best to help you out with adoption. As before, anything they are sent with can not be returned and you will be responsible for shipping fees. We can send you an ownership transfer form to complete so we know who they were from and how old the colony is.


The Ant Hotel - ALL COLONIES enter a 3 week grace period whereby after quarantine they become an Ant Hotel guest. This is just in case you change your mind. We hold them here for 3 weeks and the fee of £4 per week is only payable if you decide you want them back.


This is ideal if you need a break, are worried about progress or are not sure if giving them up is right for you.


Need to get in touch? - Just fill out the form below and we will contact you for more into.



Sending them in.

Simply pack your colonies carefully using padding where possible and post them 1st class to;


Ant Antics

Priory Street


SA31 1LS


You will need to enclose the form below


COLONY DOCUMENT - this document must be included with your return.

Questions? Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

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