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Delay My Shipment

Would you like to order now but delay your shipment?


This is perfect to avoid missing out on your perfect colony but holding off receiving them if you are waiting for other items to arrive like nests, heating, outworlds e.t.c.



Some species we will not accept on a delayed service, these include;

  • Gigas
  • Tree Weaver Ants (Ground weavers like dives are fine to use this service)
  • Honeypots


We can hold your order for you for up to 14 days for free (well 1p, our software does not allow £0 products :( ), just make your selection in the options and let us know if you are wanting this service.


YOU CAN GET THE FIRST AVALIBLE SHIPMENT AT ANY TIME, however if you paid us for an extension service this is not refundable.



We will continue to care for, and feed your colony, your colony may grow and be more workers than what you ordered. We will not charge you any extra if your colony hits a new price bracket from extra workers.


If you want extra time, please get in touch about our ant boarding service.

Delay My Shipment

PriceFrom £0.01

    Accessories & Decoration

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    ANTCON logo with background.png

    1 Priory Street


    SA31 1LS


    Thanks for submitting!

    © Ant Antics Ltd - Registered limited company in England and Wales: 13835286
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